Alcoholism treatment is available through a number of rehab centers, with treatment options available to deal with the physical and psychological consequences of alcohol abuse and addiction. Intervention, detox, therapy, and relapse prevention all have an important role to play in overcoming alcohol dependence, with professional counselors and medical staff trained to deal with all aspects of alcoholism treatment. If you are concerned about a loved one's alcohol consumption, or if you are seeking treatment for yourself, don't wait another minute call Drug Treatment Centers Wilmington NC at (877) 804-1531let them find you the best treatment or rehab facility that fits your specific needs.
Alcoholism is formally known as alcohol dependence syndrome, a specific type of alcohol use disorder that involves the compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages. This disorder can develop through routine binge drinking. Some people can also be genetically predisposed to developing addictions.
Alcoholism treatment helps people deal with the physical and psychological issues of alcohol dependency, with a range of medical detox and therapy programs available in alcoholism treatment centers throughout the United States.
Alcohol abuse refers to the misuse, problem use or heavy use of alcohol that may cause physical or social problems. Binge drinking is a specific type of alcohol abuse, with different countries around the world measuring binge drinking through standard drink measures or blood alcohol content readings.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), binge drinking is defined as the amount of alcohol needed to record a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08. Alcohol addiction or dependence describes the abuse of alcohol together with symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal and uncontrolled drinking patterns.
Alcoholism is a huge problem around the world and throughout the United States, with statistics from 2012 showing the full extent of the problem. According to figures from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 8 million Americans fit the diagnosis for alcoholism, with almost 18 million thought to be engaged in serious drinking problems.
Sadly, only 1 million of these people are actively seeking alcoholism treatment through professional drug and alcohol treatment centers.
Physical symptoms of alcoholism may include:
The long-term use and abuse of alcohol may also cause a range of psychiatric symptoms, including severe cognitive problems, anxiety, and a range of depression disorders. Adverse social effects are also likely from sustained alcohol abuse, with alcoholism also associated with an increased risk of committing various criminal offenses.
The signs of alcohol abuse and addiction are not always obvious, with some people managing to go under the radar for years before people start to notice. There are a number of warning signs associated with alcohol abuse, however, including:
Withdrawal from alcohol dependence can be dangerous and even fatal if not managed properly, with dedicated alcohol and drug treatment centers the best place to seek professional advice.
There are a range of measures used to treat alcoholism, including intervention, detoxification, medical treatment, therapy, and relapse prevention. There are four approved medications for alcoholism in the United States: disulfiram, two versions of naltrexone, and acamprosate. Other drugs may also be used to treat alcoholism and manage withdrawal symptoms, including a range of benzodiazepines and calcium carbimide.
The effective treatment of alcohol abuse and addiction requires detox and medication along with a range of therapy programs, with a number of behavioral and 12-step approaches used to treat ongoing psychological issues.
Don't wait to get treatment for yourself or an addicted loved one. Call (877) 804-1531 and let them find you immediate help at a center that meets your needs..